
The horse stimulates the muscles and articulations, does that they relax the muscles and strengthens so much the physical area like the psychic.
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The equinoterapia or therapies assisted with horses, is a complementary therapeutic modality in which the horse is the conductive thread to work  psychic pathologies, physical and social.
The three-dimensional movements of the horse stimulate the muscles and articulations, also his corporal temperature aprox.39º does that they relax the muscles and strengthens so much the physical area like the psychic.
In addition to these profits, the therapeutic work of the horse also spans other appearances of the person, in the psychological and emotional area, an increase of the confidence, improves the self-esteem, a decrease of the anxiety, improvement of the emotional control, improves the feeling of welfare and enjoy, correction of the problems of behaviour, among others.

In the area of the communication and the interpersonal relations, an improvement of the same, so much gestual like oral, with the horse and with the others people, increase of the interpersonal relations, improvement of the personal expression, of emotions and feelings, boosts patterns of relation adapted.
During the practice of the equinoterapia the user and the horse melt in an alone be to work in set establishing a bond of affectivity and harmony, where rewards the mutual confidence among both.
The horse has been from remote periods mate of the man, in crowd of activities work, sport, wars etc… and besides has been used to improve the psychic and physical health of the people.
At present every time, luckily, it is more in peak this type of complementary therapy and is showed scientifically the profits that contributes.


The equinoterapia can divide it mainly in three areas;  equinoterapia social, hipoterapia, (his name comes from of the Greek word hippo, (horse) and therapeutic horse riding.
These three areas adapt depend the pathology of each patient, already are physical pathologies, psychic or social.
When the rider goes mounted to the horse, east contributes him basically three profits,
-       The corporal heat of the horse is aprox. Of 38º/39º, like the body of the horse generates but heat that the one of the human body, can benefit us of the as if it was an instrument calorífico that helps to relax and to distend the excessively rigid musculature.
-       The transmission of rhythmical impulses:
The horse transmits to the body of the rider through his back among 90 and 110 rhythmical impulses that stimulate reactions of balance and produce a pleasant feeling by his effect mecedora, what contributes also to the psychic and emotional welfare of the rider.
-   Transmission of a pattern of similar locomotion to the of the human course:
The biomecánica of the step of the horse is very similar to the one of the human being. When it elevates the back members underneath of the centre of gravity, does an identical movement to the of the people that transmits it to the pelvis, moving exactly the same muscles that would move when we are walking.
This animal offers the only treatment whereby the patient this exposed to a three-dimensional movement of vaivén, very similar to the that makes the human being when walking.
The therapy with horses uses this movement like therapeutic tool, and the patient sees obliged to react in front of a series of stimuli produced by trot of the horse.


The utilisation of the horses for rehabilitation and therapeutic uses, is a therapy that trace to the period of the ancient Greece, Hipócrates that lived among the year 377 and the 458 to.c. Already it advised the horse riding for some types of  ailments, among them the sleeplessness.
-Galeno 139-199d.c. medico Particular of Marco Aurelio recommended him practise the horse riding to improve his self-esteem, and security in if same, since it was quite hesitant to the hour to take decisions.
Without going in but in the history  will comment the case of Liz Hartel, to the 16 years suffered poliomielitis and was several years in chair of wheels, against of the will of all his family went back to practise the horse riding, sport that already had practised before the illness. It presented to the olympic games of Helsinki in 1952 achieving the medal of silver in classical taming.
We could follow with a long etc.
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